4A Papers
Issue 6
Letter from the Editor
Pedro de Almeida
Balancing India: the story of Peter Nagy
Lleah Amy Smith
History’s long shadow: the rehabilitation of Japanese–Australian relations through art
Mikala Tai
Talking and not talking about race: curating Asian-Australian identities in the early years of 4A
Tian Zhang
Melancholy and desire: understanding the power of queer metaphor in the art of Moses Tan
Eugene Yiu Nam Cheung
Cross talk: a halfway point, a sidebar reflection
Annie Jael Kwan
The China/Avant-Garde exhibition and Xiao Lu: 30 Years On
Alex Burchmore
APT9: The Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art as practice
Annabelle Lacroix
A higher reality: notes from a short liaison with Russian art
Susan Acret
Published May 2019
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