08 February 2002 -
09 March 2002
Gallery 4A (Hay Street)
181–187 Hay Street, Haymarket, Sydney
8 February – 9 March 2002.
My Chinatown: Sites of Significance is an exhibition that explores the experience of the Chinese in Australia from a historical and contemporary perspective. Photographs, objects and memorabilia from private family collections, which date from the 1880s to the present day record sites such as suburban Chinese restaurants and cafes, temples, market gardens and trade stores. Sites of Significance also features the work of five contemporary artists: Tom Dion, Lindy Lee, Laurens Tan, Paula Wong and William Yang, whose art practices explore different aspects and levels of identification with their Chinese-Australian identity. Sites of Significance brings together contemporary art and historical material to illustrate an important interface between cultural history and contemporary innovation, highlighting a dynamic living history of Chinese communities in Australia.
My Chinatown: Sites of Significance is sponsored by the City of Sydney Chinese New Year Festival.