Acute Actions: Responses to I Am Not a Virus, Part 1

15 April 2021 -
15 May 2021
4A @ Darlinghurst
101-111 William St, Darlinghurst, Sydney, NSW
Open Thursday to Saturdays, 10am – 4pm
Curatorial Assistant: Dylan Goh
Access the podcast & transcript for Art, craft, collective solidarity and fandom culture: Sophia Cai
Access the Let's unpack Acute Acts panel podcast & transcript
Acute Actions: Responses to I Am Not A Virus is an artist-led exhibition series that seeks to unpack the hidden injuries of racism through the lived experience of Asian Australian artists and Asian artists living in Australia. By utilising experimental material and physical practices, the eight artists in Acute Actions part 1 illustrate poetically how the diverse futures for Australia might look. Through performative actions, material assemblage and sharing cultural food, their practices act as both archives of past traumas and sites of collective diasporic consciousness.

Let's Unpack Acute Acts: 4A Panel X Performance
Saturday, 15 May 2021, 5:00am
Panel discussion at Firstdraft with Andrea Srisurapon, Jayanto Tan, and curator Reina Takeuchi, followed by a performance by Amy Zhang X MaggZ. Held as part of Acute Actions: Responses to I Am Not a Virus, Part 1.

4A TALKS // Sophia Cai: Art, craft, collective solidarity and fandom culture
Thursday, 13 May 2021, 8:00am
Curator, writer and knitter Sophia Cai speaks with producer Mariam Arcilla from 4A about the mobilising power of art, craft and fandom culture, and how embodied writing, teaching, hobbies, and K-pop have shaped Sophia’s practice.
Photos: Kai Wasikowski