Madhullikaa Singh
Madhullikaa Singh is an Indian actor working on Gadigal land. In 2021, she directed a cast and crew of 23 BIPOC artists in the People of Colour Revue at the Seymour Centre, fulfilling her innate desire to platform stories of underrepresented communities in partnership with BIPOC creatives. In 2022 she devised माँ की रसोई in collaboration with fellow South Asian creatives; Pratha Nagpal, Alina Haque and Junnade Ali for Shopfront, and performed at 107 Redfern. Out of the numerous roles she has played as an actor, her role in माँ की रसोई is particularly significant to her because it is her first time playing a South Asian woman, despite being one herself; she hopes to change this trend and bring more such life-affirming stories to the fore, in the future. Her passion for storytelling and theatre is visible when watching her perform, she will take you by storm.

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