Alex Burchmore
Alex Burchmore recently received his PhD from the Centre for Art History and Art Theory at the Australian National University, where he now works as a sessional lecturer alongside his duties as Publication Manager for Art Monthly Australasia. His PhD research focuses on the use of porcelain by contemporary Chinese artists to communicate transcultural narratives of history and identity, while his broader research interests extend to Chinese and Chinese-Australian art; Southeast Asian art; Buddhist art; historical and contemporary artistic exchange; and the aesthetics of death, decay, destruction and deformity. Alex has published widely in Australian and overseas journals, including the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art, The Asian Arts Society of Australia Review, Kunstlicht, Espace art actuel, and the Oxford Art Journal (forthcoming). In 2018, he received the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand’s annual award for ‘Best Scholarly Article in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art’ and, in 2019, the inaugural ‘Oxford Art Journal Essay Prize for Early Career Researchers’.