Robert Iolini: The Hong Kong Agent

14 June 2008 -
26 July 2008
Gallery 4A, Asia-Australia Arts Centre (Hay Street)
181-187 Hay Street, Haymarket, Sydney
14 June – 26 July 2008
4A’s NIGHTVISION SUNSET TO SUNRISE VIDEO PROJECTION series continues with an interactive video work by artist Robert Iolini. This work, presented in partnership with d/Lux/MediaArts, will use mobile technology to engage a large range of audiences.
The Hong Kong Agent is an intimate and poetic exploration of contemporary Hong Kong culture. It is an edgy work which replicates the vitality and innovation of an ultra future/retro megapolis.
The work traces the journey of a main protagonist, The Hong Kong Agent, whose encounters with activists, side-walk shamans, a feng shui master, teenage hopefuls, artists, shopping arcades, ghost buses, psychedelic trains, and red bean dumplings become intriguing clues with which to de-code the city and its inhabitants.
The Hong Kong Agent also functions in a “bluezone”; the work has as a bluetooth component which allows passers-by to be tantalised with sneak trailers of the entire work. Daytime travellers, and nighttime audiences will be able to download 10 micro-sodes of THE HONG KONG AGENT to their mobile phones , MP3 players and other personal devices. These glimpses of THE HONG KONG AGENT will draw them back to Gallery 4A to see the entire work. In the meantime, the 10 micro-sodes can be collected and “mashed” to the users’ delight.