Cherine Fahd: Operation Nose Nose Operation

10 May 2000 -
03 June 2000
Gallery 4A (Liverpool Street)
Level 3, 53-55 Liverpool Street Sydney 2000
10 May – 3 June 2000
Cherine Fahd explores the changing face of Australia in a direct and humourous manner. Operation Nose Nose Operation is a quirky performance-based photographic installation which invokes both fashion and identity through the large and quite dominant noses of Arabic and Mediterranean people. In search of noses to cast, Fahd has taken Operation Nose Nose Operation to the local high schools, universities, pubs and bars of Beirut, Lebanon, casting and bandaging unwary participants’ noses with an almost surgical precision.
Operation Nose Nose Operation is part of an international project titled Sydney/Beirut – Beirut/Sydney.
Operation Nose Nose Operation is an official event of the Mercedes Australian Fashion Week Festival.
Top image: Header image: Cherine Fahd, Operation Nose Nose Operation (Jido + Teta), 1999-2000, colour prints, 74 x 50 cm. Courtesy the Artist.