Acute Actions: Responses to I Am Not A Virus, Part 2

03 June 2021 -
03 July 2021
4A @ Darlinghurst
101-111 William St, Darlinghurst, Sydney, NSW
Open Thursday to Saturdays, 10am – 4pm
Curatorial Assistant: Dylan Goh
Access our exhibition Media Kit here.
View the Wall Labels.
View the Roomsheet.
Access the transcript for Off the Page: Design, illustration and authorship in contemporary comics.
Building upon the previous Acute Actions: Responses to I Am Not A Virus exhibition, the works of Jin Hien Lau, Nathan Liow, Zachary Lopez and Sweet and Sour Collective delve into distinct experiences informed by disconnection and isolation. Working across a variety of practices and artistic methods, this exhibition further demonstrates the wide impact of racism and displacement on the POC population. The presented works poetically illustrate possible outlooks featuring cultural diversity in Australia’s future experience.

Let's Unpack Acute Acts: 4A Panel X Performance
Saturday, 15 May 2021, 5:00am
Panel discussion at Firstdraft with Andrea Srisurapon, Jayanto Tan, and curator Reina Takeuchi, followed by a performance by Amy Zhang X MaggZ. Held as part of Acute Actions: Responses to I Am Not a Virus, Part 1.
Top image: Acute Actions: Responses To I Am Not A Virus (installation view), 2021, 4A @ 101-111 William Street, Sydney. Zachary Lopez, Roil Horizon, 2021, bamboo, nylon, single channel HD video, various materials and objects.Photo: Kai Wasikowski for 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art, courtesy the artists.
Photos: Kai Wasikowski