
NUW🌏RLDS x UTS Digital Talks

<p>NUW🌏RLDS x UTS Digital Talks</p>


Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 8:00am


University of Technology Sydney

UTS Building 11, CB11 81-113 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007

In partnership with the University of Technology Sydney, we're excited to bring you two panel talks alongside our current exhibition NUW🌏RLDS. It's an exploration of the intersections between contemporary visual art and technology!

First talk at Data ARENA, UTS - 6pm
Who's world is this? Technology, labour and the aesthetics of the new digital.

This session will focus on envisioning aesthetic conditions of technology-based creative practices. We will explore the real-world implications of emerging technologies and how they shape and influence culture. The discussion will consider how the imaginative potential of art can be absorbed into practical considerations of media-making. What are the ethical, social, and cultural ramifications of these technologies? How do they redefine our concepts of freedom, labour and control? Engage with artists and academics as they explore the vocabularies and practices that bridge the gap between these fields.

Second talk at DataLounge, UTS - 7pm
Two steps forward: technology's potential as an agent of change, activism and connection.

This second conversation will investigate the ethical concerns with using technologies as tools for activism, personal change, and connection. Expanding on the representational possibilities of technology through the paradigm of the exhibition NUW🌏RLDS. Topics include the role of encryption in protest, accessibility in the digital age, and how ethics can be re-embedded in arts and institutional communities and how it enables deeper human-human and human-machine connections as an intervention into digital technology’s demonstrated capacity to entrench existing inequalities. 

Our panelists include UTS academics and NUW🌏RLDS' artists and curators. Stay tuned as we announce the full lineup soon!

Seats are filling fast! Secure your spot now! 

Top image: INJURY x REAL PARENT, INTERMUNDIA, 2024, Mixed media installation with foamcore, characters, garments, two-channel video, 1m 26s. Courtesy the artists; photo: Kai Wasikowski for 4A.