Feminist South September Reading Group

Thursday, 28 September 2017, 8:00am
4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
181-187 Hay St, Haymarket
6.00PM – 7.00PM, Wednesday 30 August 2017
- 6.00PM – 7.00PM, Thursday 28 September 2017
- ‘Feminism is a Western Concept: a reading group’
- 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
- 181-187 Hay St, Haymarket NSW
In partnership with Feminist South, 4A is pleased to host the monthly Feminist South reading group on the last Thursday of the month. This reading group is Phase 1 of the Feminist South research and curatorial project led by Kelly Doley and i:project space, Beijing.
Feminist South is a curatorial project and research platform spanning across 2017-2019 that aims to generate critical dialogue around contemporary feminist performance practice in the context of the Asia Pacific.
Rather than attempting to fit Western feminist theories and movements onto the multiplicities that make up practice in the Asia Pacific, the project seeks to create its own terms of reference in order to decentre and disrupt the conventional understandings of feminist art and create new narratives for practices that are located in the here and now.
All welcome, please join the discussion. Email kellydoley@gmail.com to join the Feminist South mailing list and RSVP.
Readings for September:
Lo, Jacqueline. “Australia’s Other Asia in the Asian Century.” In Contemporary Asian Art and Exhibitions: Connectivities and World-making, by Antoinette Michelle and Turner Caroline, 219-32. ANU Press, 2014.
Erickson, Britta. ‘The Rise of a Feminist Spirit in Contemporary Chinese Art’, Art AsiaPacific, Issue 31, 2001, 65–71