4A 2016 Fundraiser Auction open now

Sunday, 6 November 2016, 7:00am
4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
181-187 Hay St, Haymarket
This month marks the 20th anniversary of 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art. Over the last two decades 4A has carved a place for Asian-Australian artistic voices and celebrated Australia’s dynamic and diverse engagement with Asia.
Celebrate the 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art’s 20th anniversary and support our future work by bidding on works by the likes of Shaun Gladwell, Guo Jian, Anida Yeou Ali, and Chen Qiulin. Proceeds support our efforts to foster excellence and innovation in contemporary Asian and Australian culture.
Our 4A 2016 Fundraiser Auction is now open. Bidding closes 6PM AEDT, on 6 November 2016.
Click here to view all works available and place your bids now.
Image: Guan Wei, The Classic of the Mountains and Seas, 2012. Silkscreen. Courtesy the artist. Available for purchase as part of the 4A 2016 Fundraiser Auction.
Auction powered by Paddle8, the online auction house.