
Robert McDougall

Robert McDougall is an artist working across sound and installation. He has studied a range of 
compositional modes in electro-acoustic music, video and installation art. Robert is interested in the 
durational and reductionist temporal aesthetics of early minimalism and various folk traditions, 
attention to surface and textural detail, numinous spaces and the sublime. Previous exhibitions 
include Sixty-Five Abstracts 2015, NIICE Public Education, Otar Karalashvili, Tbilisi Art Books, Kiev, 
Ukraine (2015); Tanpura Study, Pepperhouse Residency Exhibition, Pepperhouse Studios, Kochi, 
India (2014); John Cage 101: Past, Present, Future Conference, UPSI, Tanjong Malim, Malaysia 
(2013); and TarraWarra Biennial 2012: Sonic Spheres, TarraWarra Museum of Art (2012).

Robert McDougall
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