
Laura Bao-Tran Huynh


Laura is a 22 year old performer from Sydney, Australia. Initially starting her journey in dance through the Sydney street dance scene, she has become acquainted with freestyle and battling- growing a sense of love for dance and the ways it is able to help express herself. She has gained opportunities to work with non-profit NGO, DSDA Inc., providing media and marketing services to promote street dance within Sydney. She also has a broadened sense of knowledge in classical and commercial dance by partaking in Village Nation's Cert IV in Dance course, and is now reflecting her dance training and lessons through her creative works. Throughout the current year, she has worked and studied through industry opportunities and artistic opportunities, such as the D.A.P, HUMXN, and OneDanceCollective's Artist Circle programs in order to continually uplift her creative skills as well as share her offerings in these spaces, that are through teaching dance and tools of freestyle.

Laura Bao-Tran Huynh

Image supplied.

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